

BA(Hons)Arch, B.Arch (Hons) Distinction |
MA Cantab

Originally from the UK, our founder and studio director Amanda has followed a career path that has spanned the globe before settling in the burgeoning inner-west of Sydney.

Amanda is a Registered Architect in NSW and Certified Passive House Designer with over 25 years work experience. She completed her architectural education at the University of Cambridge (UK) and at Kent Institute of Art and Design (UK) where she was awarded a Distinction in the Bachelor of Architecture Course. She was also nominated to be put forward for the RIBA President’s Silver Medal in 2001 for her portfolio of design work throughout the diploma course.

Amanda has been fortunate to work on projects rooted in very strong design concepts and on projects which have been extremely well developed and managed through all stages. She is dedicated to and thrives on excellent standards of architectural design; is highly meticulous in her approach to working on projects and consistently extensive in her research into all aspects of projects from planning policy to material selection.

Along with being a mother of two, this doesn’t leave much time for hobbies and interests so she has the whole spectrum covered between muay thai boxing, kundalini yoga and bollywood dancing, making her one kickass architect!

2012- panda studio architecture, Leichhardt
2011-12 Genevieve Lilley Architects, Sydney
2009-10 Collins and Turner Architects, Surry Hills
2008-09 Canaway Fleming Architects, London, UK
2007-08 Terry Farrell & Partners, Hong Kong
2005-07 Collins and Turner, Surry Hills
2004-05 Connor and Solomon, Pyrmont
2002-04 Davenport Campbell & Partners, Sydney
2001-02 Purcell Miller Tritton, Canterbury, UK
1997-98 EPR Architects Limited, London, UK


Felipe worked as an architect and interior designer in northeastern Brazil, bringing with him to Sydney and our studio a passion for interior and retail design. He has a deep understanding of space and the ways which people experience architecture, shaping projects that blend functionality, aesthetics, and storytelling. He pushes our studio’s concept and interior design forward, iterating and proposing creative solutions to various briefs which spark joy and interest. Another thing which sparks interest is that Felipe spun records as a DJ in Brazil: proving that whether it's music or design, he’s always had an ear for setting the perfect atmosphere.

2024- panda studio architecture, Leichhardt
2021-2023 FN Comercial Architecture, João Pessoa, Brazil
2016-2020 Al Mare Construtora, João Pessoa, Brazil

2024-2025 Advanced Diploma in Interior Design (SDS)
2020-2022 Postgraduate in Retail Design (IPOG)
2016-2021 Bachelor in Architecture and Urbanism (UNIPÊ)


Born and raised in Wollongong, Emily completed her bachelor's degree at UTS before packing up her life and moving to Brisbane with just a pallet of belongings. There, she spent three years at an engineering firm developing skills in design documentation, issuing and developing construction standards, and drafting mining process plants. As our studio’s BIM master, she understands the importance of cultural consideration and consultation, particularly in project development and the potential impacts on First Nations communities. Her tenacity makes sure our projects are to standard, applying a practical and no-fuss approach to resolving designs and detailing drawings. Her attention to detail stems from exposure to a variety of project types – or perhaps from the discipline required to be a multi-year national cheerleading champion.

2024- panda studio architecture, Leichhardt
2022-2024 Ausenco, Brisbane

2025-2026 Master of Architecture (UNSW)
2019-2021 Bachelor of Architecture (UTS)
2018-2019 Diploma Design in Architecture (UTS)


Joseph lives east of Parramatta in a 90s brick townhouse, shuttling between home and the Wilkinson Building at USYD with tomes on architectural theory and holed-up boxboard. He received the AIA History & Theory Prize in 2024, and his uni work spans disaster resettlement research in the Philippines under the New Colombo Plan to rolling on the steps of Town Hall for an art performance. He’s fascinated by residential architectural typologies, diving into archives and conducting site visits in order to create sensitive designs that balance heritage and innovation. Joseph is also our studio’s laws and regulation man, helping clients navigate the development application process. In his spare time you’ll find him at the gym, in a bookshop or at a café chowing down on a sweet treat with his mates.

2024- panda studio architecture, Leichhardt
2024- CIRCA Journal, Sydney

2021-2026 Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours) and
Master of Architecture (USYD)
2023 NSW Australian Institute of Architects
History & Theory Prize (USYD recipient)